
Sorcyre Noriega’s pregnancy had been progressing normally, with no complications—until her daughter was born at just 27 weeks. On May 17, 2018, Victoria Zerlin-Noriega entered the world, weighing only 2 pounds, 6 ounces. Following her premature birth, Victoria faced several challenges, including multiple gastrointestinal issues that required several surgeries, and a brain injury known as periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), a condition that affects premature babies. Victoria was later diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP), which is a group of neurological disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, and coordination. It is caused by damage to the brain, typically occurring during fetal development, childbirth, or shortly after birth. CP impacts a person’s ability to control their muscles, which can lead to challenges with movement, balance, and posture. There are several types of cerebral palsy, each affecting people in different ways. Victoria has spastic CP - the most common type - which causes muscle stiffness and tightness. Cerebral palsy affects over 500,000 people in the United States alone. Globally, it is estimated that about 1 in 345 children are diagnosed with CP, making it the most common motor disability in childhood. While CP is a lifelong condition and there is no cure, treatments such as physical and occupational therapy can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

From the time she was 2 months old until she turned 3, Victoria received home-based therapy services through a local organization called PermiaCare. At age 3, she transitioned to MCRC and, for the next several years, received nearly every type of therapy MCRC has to offer. Through hard work and perseverance, she reached significant milestones along the way, including learning to eat solid foods, gaining torso control, sitting upright for extended periods, using a wheelchair, and improving her flexibility and range of motion.

Victoria is an incredibly bright, kind, and cheerful little girl with a great sense of humor. She loves to share jokes with her therapists and teach them Spanish during her sessions. A first grader at a local public school, Victoria also enjoys bedtime stories, hugs, drawing, making crafts, singing, playing soccer with the TOPSoccer Midland league, and dancing through MCRC’s Unlimited Dance program. Her contagious smile lights up every room and spreads joy to everyone she meets. This past December, Victoria began an intensive therapy rotation with the goal of becoming more independent. Her main objectives included improving torso control, sitting up on her own, walking with or without equipment, and being able to push her wheelchair independently. Her physical therapist, Kelsey, said, “Victoria has made incredible progress during this intensive rotation. At the start, it was difficult for her to stay standing in a walker, but now she can walk almost entirely on her own for up to 100 feet, with a few breaks along the way. We’re so proud of how far she’s come in such a short time!”

Victoria’s parents, Sorcyre and Ibrahim, are her biggest supporters. They are always by her side, offering encouragement and celebrating every achievement. Sorcyre even volunteers at MCRC as a way to give back to the place that has made such a difference in their lives. “The therapists at MCRC always find opportunities where others see obstacles,” Sorcyre shared. “Victoria has gained independence and confidence, and she can do more on her own. Programs like Unlimited Dance Company have also given her the chance to make new friends. We’re incredibly grateful for all the love and support we’ve received from Victoria’s therapists and the entire MCRC team. MCRC has truly been a blessing in our lives.”

With Kelsey's assistance, Victoria was recently fitted for a new walker for her to use at home. She is making steady progress and will soon resume physical therapy at MCRC twice a week, alongside starting a new intensive occupational therapy rotation. Victoria is determined to keep moving forward and reach new goals—always with her signature smile and some giggles and jokes thrown in for good measure.